About BTAS

About BTAS

About The Bar Tribunals and Adjudication Service

The Bar Tribunals and Adjudication Service (BTAS) is the body responsible for administering Disciplinary Tribunals, Fitness to Practise and other hearings for barristers. It also organises hearings to consider the conduct of aspiring barristers to determine whether they are ‘fit and proper’ persons for a career at the Bar.

BTAS is a constituent part of the Council of the Inns of Court (‘COIC’), a charity that exists to advance education in the sound administration of the law, including by promoting high standards of advocacy and enforcing professional standards of conduct.

BTAS exists to ensure the independence of the hearing panels and process. It is separate and wholly independent from the Bar Standards Board (BSB) – the barristers’ regulatory body – which investigates and brings cases for consideration before the hearing panels.

Tribunal Appointments Body

The Tribunal Appointments Body conduct and oversees the recruitment and selection process in accordance with BTAS’ Appointments Protocol. Individuals are appointed to the Pool of Panel members on their recommendation following the selection and interview process.